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This holiday season consider giving a gift that goes beyond a season or single day. Consider giving a gift of adventure and self-improvement. If you or someone you know can benefit from our education planning, writing guidance, or quality of life-mapping services;

Same Jane


Holiday humbug overrides holiday shopping every time for those who never feel any cheer. Take Alone Joan who refuses to forgive and promises to never forget what the whole world has done to her. Yet, she is tired of being alone and lonely. And secretly she wishes to join in on the fun and good cheer--but not if it means leaving the comfort of her dark home. So Alone Joan sits there day-in and day-out.  

Alone Joan

Day-In Day-Out

Holiday humbug overrides holiday shopping every time for those who never feel any cheer. Take Alone Joan who refuses to forgive and promises to never forget what the whole world has done to her. Yet, she is tired of being alone and lonely. And secretly she wishes to join in on the fun and good cheer--but not if it means leaving the comfort of her dark home. So Alone Joan sits there day-in and day-out.  

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